Today more than ever, teachers face the challenge of dealing with heterogeneous classrooms, discovering and nurturing the potential of this diversity and preparing their students for an increasingly globalised world. It is clear that teachers do not simply have these skills, but must be given the opportunity to develop them at university and during their work life. Transnational encounters and experiences are a great and irreplaceable opportunity for this.
This conviction is also the starting point for the programmes of the DAAD. Although student mobility is increasing thanks to many funding opportunities, students in teaching training programmes still make significantly fewer international experiences in their studies than students in other subjects. This is particularly true for students in vocational subjects. With Lehramt.International, the DAAD aims, among other things, to promote programmes that are specifically developed for students in teacher training. With MOVE IT!, we contribute to this and are particularly addressing the needs of our students from vocational and prevocational disciplines. Our goal is to offer all students a realistic chance to make their studies more international and to be prepared for their future profession in the best possible way. Therefore, we offer programmes of different intensities and kinds of mobility. As we are also convinced that internationalisation is a process of change that can only be implemented holistically, we involve all status groups of teacher education in the process and the offers.